7 thoughts on “No Spray v. NYC Lawsuit”

  1. Hello I would love to know more, they just started spraying in Wynwood Miami. I have a two year old son, and we had the airplane spraying over our head. Nailed. Super Toxic. unacceptable. How can I take action? Class action? Please help

  2. I would really like to see some updates on this.

    Last night my neighborhood was sprayed with the Anvil, and this morning I woke up with all of the following symptoms:

    – massive headache
    – random and persistent itching and rashes all over my skin
    – difficulty breathing through nose
    – brain fogginess
    – nausea and lack of appetite

    and all around literally feeling as though I was poisoned. Called out sick and later in the day, took a brief trip to the pharmacy on my block to look for something to help. I reach for a bottle of Vitamin C and there’s a MOSQUITO buzzing around my hand!! Right after their spraying! This area never has mosquitos in the daytime, I have never seen this before in this story or anywhere else in the daytime in my neighborhood.

    If enough people complain of adverse health effects, perhaps there’s a chance we can make this into a class action suit?

  3. Please keep me informed, my son has been damaged by the spraying Naled, hospitalized for over 10 days, we live in Collier County in Florida

  4. They have been spraying Naled in California for many years and reports of pets dying, many people having heart attacks, chronic nervous system damage. I’d like to know how to join a class action suit in CA before they EVER have chance to spray it again. If you study Naled (or another name for it, Dibrom) it is nerve gas used in WWII Germany. There are less toxic sprays, if they must spray at all. But this aerial spraying of neighborhoods has screwed up the eco system, never see bees or butterflies, ever and people sick and not paying attention to the spraying. The thing is in CA (don’t know about other states) they do not have to send out any warning, they can spray indiscriminately at any time. Lawyer needed NOW before they start spraying this summer!

  5. I too sprayed chemicals for mosquito abatement they have been insulated by pooling their funds together creating a super power to lobby and line pockets. I doubt Zika exists. From 2004-2011 my employer spent more time on internal legal fees for employment issues than they did in prevent. Justify to fly is the term I coined their business model after. Yes we need a Lawyer now but unfortunately they have so many firms at their disposal all legal attempts here have been met with defeat. Some big pockets will have to take them on.
    QME Evaluation for
    Two exposure claims to report findings on two issues

    Cumulative Exposure claim 6/1/04
    Specific Exposure claim 6/29/11
    Applicant Occupation Public Health Vector Control Certified Pesticide Applicator
    Cal. Health & Safety Code §2052.(a) Pursuant to Article 4 (commencing with Section 106925) of Chapter 4 of Part 1 of Division 104, every district employee who handles, applies, or supervises the use of any pesticide for public health purposes shall be certified by the department as a vector control technician in at least one of the following categories commensurate with the assigned duties: (1) Mosquito control.
    Certificate Number 520003542 Issued
    Date of Hire April 4, 2004
    All Dates of injury and specific body parts
    Date of Injury June 9, 2004
    Exposure to full body system
    DWC-1 form provided by supervisor 6/8/04
    Doctor’s First Report of Injury/Illness contact dermatitis allergy
    Employer’s First Report 5020 incomplete not reported to OSHA
    Supervisors Report of Work Injury none
    Date of Injury January 1, 2005
    Exposure to full body system
    DWC-1 form provided by supervisor
    Doctor’s First Report of Injury/Illness there is no doctors first report
    Employer’s First Report Fraud Statement
    Supervisors Report of Work Injury None
    Date of Injury October 1, 2005
    Exposure to full body system
    DWC-1 form provided by supervisor
    Doctor’s First Report of Injury/Illness contact dermatitis allergy
    Employer’s First Report
    Supervisors Report of Work Injury None
    DWC-1 form provided by supervisor
    Doctor’s First Report of Injury/Illness contact dermatitis allergy
    Employer’s First Report
    Supervisors Report of Work Injury None
    Special Notes 10/17/05 Lab Work does not mention in PR-2
    Kaiser Records of exposure continued through 2008
    Date of Injury June 19, 2008
    Right Knee Injury 1
    9/22/2008 was my first surgery
    Return to work on 1/5/09
    No Modified Duty Accommodations
    DWC-1 form complete
    Doctor’s First Report of Injury/Illness None
    Employer’s First Report None
    Supervisors Report of Work Injury None
    Date of Injury March 26, 2009
    Right Knee Injury 2
    No surgery is involved for this second knee injury.
    Return to work 5/28/2009
    No Modified Duty Accommodations
    DWC-1 form provided by attorney Ronald Stein
    Doctor’s First Report of Injury/Illness None
    Employer’s First Report None
    Supervisors Report of Work Injury None
    Date of Injury July 2, 2009
    Right Knee Injury 3
    3/8/2010 was my second right knee surgery
    Return to work on 8/30/2010
    Employer takes me off duty from August to November.
    Modified Duty Accomodations in December 1 month of light office work
    DWC-1 form provided by attorney Ronald Stein
    Doctor’s First Report of Injury/Illness None
    Employer’s First Report None
    Supervisors Report of Work Injury None
    Whistleblower Hotline telephone call made to the number my employer provided to all employees to anonymously report workplace wrongdoing resulted in modified accommodations for 30 days in December 2009.
    Date of Injury June 29, 2011
    Right Knee Injury 4
    11/28/2011 was my third right knee surgery
    Modified Duty Accommodations 06/29/11 last day worked 11/14/11
    DWC-1 form complete
    Doctor’s First Report of Injury/Illness None
    Employer’s First Report None
    Supervisors Report of Work Injury None
    Date of Injury June 29, 2011
    Exposure to full body system
    Modified Duty Accommodations 06/29/11 last day worked 11/14/11
    DWC-1 form complete
    Doctor’s First Report of Injury/Illness None
    Employer’s First Report None
    Supervisors Report of Work Injury None

    Both injuries were denied by employer and the insurance carrier pending a QME
    4/25/14 I was granted a Service Connected Disability Retirement from the San Joaquin County Employees Retirement Association (SJCERA) effective 3/27/13

    I am working on a document for a QME appointment on my exposure claims. I have gotten this far. But the tragedy is that the agency reprimands all reporting of exposure and they do not comply with the required laws.

  6. I’d like to know more. My community in South Carolina is sprayed yearly under power lines. It is a long ugly slow death to the environment! WE LIVE AT A HUGE LAKE. I know the runoff goes into ground water AND the lake!

  7. Is this lawsuit still in the works? We live in Colorado, NE of Denver, and I have been seeing planes spraying something like crazy, high in the sky, abover normal airplane routes (we are near DIA)…6 yesterday crossing back and forth all day!
    Our family has all been sick so many times the past few months, and we rarely get sick! It’s really pissing me off…
    We didn’t run and hide, mask up, sanitize like crazy during covid either, so I don’t buy the “your child’s immune system just missed a year or so of exposures and is weakened right now” nonsense.

    Fevers, stomach cramps, bloody nose, headaches, vomiting, and it lasts for a week sometimes. We used to get over illness in a day or two.


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